Tips for Handling Alzheimer Patients

Aging comes with various body complications, and mental state deterioration is just one of them. It might start by forgetting a few things, but with time, it gets worse until you can no longer remember things the most recent things that happened. With time, it gets worse such that the patient might not recognize close family members. It is not only a difficult time for the patient but also the family members who do not know how to handle the situation. Sometimes, even the patient might not know what to do. Family members are the first caregivers in such circumstances, and therefore, you should know a few things to do whenever your loved one has Alzheimer.

Learn and prevent triggers. Alzheimer is caused by triggers which might vary with different patients. Observe the patient to identify some of the triggers and note them down. Let everyone around the patient observe and take notes and then later compare the notes. Sometimes, it might be difficult to identify the triggers unless the patient tells you so do not be afraid to ask. Avoid the triggers as much as you can to manage the condition.

Have a conducive environment for the patient. In some instances, Alzheimer patients might get hurt if the environment has dangerous objects. They can get out of control and disappear and that exposes them to a lot of dangers. Identify any hazardous materials and remove them. Identify any hazardous objects such as knives and store them safely from the patient and if you cannot watch them, employ a full-time caretaker. You might also decide to move your loved one to the senior center for treating Alzheimer. Ensure that you do not force the patient to go to a senior center and you should consult him or her before making the decision.

The patient should eat well and workout. Taking care of your mind involves taking care of your body. The kind of lifestyle you live is likely to determine your mental health. Regular workouts keep the body fit and healthy, and that enhance mental capability. Find a professional fitness instructor who is conversant with exercises for Alzheimer patients so that your loved ones do not strain. Ensure that the patient maintains eating a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins and antioxidants. It is advisable to take healthy foods such as vegetable and fruits, but you can also consult a nutritionist for more information.

Have a daily routine of activities. Confusion sets in when the patient does not know what to do next. A daily routine will outline all activities of the day, and there will be confidence and certainty on subsequent activities. The routine is not a schedule that the patient follows, but it provides security as the patient feels secure and in control.

Keep them busy. Involve the Alzheimer patient in various activities to keep his mind busy most of the time. If the mind is idle for long, it might trigger the condition. For instance, you can read books, play games, cook, dance or do gardening. Further, you can find online platforms on Alzheimer, and you can read more here to increase your knowledge of the disease and how to take care of patients.