Popular Head Injuries in Grown-ups

There are a lot of people who are always going to the hospital to get their head injuries checked. Head injuries are serious, and you should have them checked immediately. There are instances where you might have a headache or a brain contusion, and people assume these symptoms. Getting constant head injuries might lead to brain disease. Head injuries are very common in many sports games. However, concussions are never painful, and people often ignore these concussions. When you read this blog, you will be able to find out a lot about head injuries in adults.

The first head injury is the fractured skull. When you fracture your skull, you will be in excruciating pain. When you get this injury, you will bleed excessively, which means that you should see a doctor as soon as possible. The main reason why you bleed a lot during this injury is because of the high-density vessels located in the head. When you get a fracture, you should not ignore it because the bone fragments can easily cut your brain tissue. When you have a brain fracture, you might end up bruising your brain. The other head injury that you should be cautious about is the Epidural Hematoma.

This hematoma is caused when there is draining in the head caused when one of the veins in the skull is torn. In this situation, the skull is usually damaged. In this situation, blood is stored in the middle of the skull and dura. The mere fact that the blood accumulates itself in the head is called hematoma. When the hematoma grows big, you might pass out. Another common head injury in most adults is the acute subdural hematoma. In this type of hematoma, blood is usually found at the center of the dura and cerebrum.

If you hit your head with a hard object, you are bound to get this injury. One thing about the acute subdural hematoma is that it is very lethal and you should receive medical assistance immediately. Another type of head injury common in adults is the chronic subdural hematoma. This type of hematoma is different from the rest because it grows slowly.

Patients suffering this hematoma usually get a lot of seizures. The best way to avoid this head injury is to avoid any head accidents in the future. The other head injury that you need to look out for is the intraparenchymal hemorrhaging. The main cause of this injury is when blood accumulates in the brain tissue. If you find yourself with a head injury, see a doctor immediately.