Useful Tips to Maintain your Pool on your Own
It is fun owning a pool. A pool is necessary for families with kids and if space allows. Maintaining a big pool is not easy. Pools can grow algae and become green in they are not well cleaned. Further, if the filter breaks it may even smell. However is it easy to clean it on your own? The answer should be no if the pool is full-sized. Let us look at the DIY maintenance tips for a pool which can be followed to regularly clean the sahara pools.
The process of skimming should be done going by your location, the time of the year, the backyard, leaves, branches and dead insects because they will float the surface of the pool. Algae will build up if the pool sides are not scrubbed with chlorine. When we say regular it does not mean daily however at least two or three times in a month. Water in a pool is kept clean is achieved through the filter basket. So this filter basket should be kept clean so that the water in the pool can remain clean. In the cleaning process you will find grime, dirt, leaves, and insects. Filter pipes should be cleaned every month as most pools have the backwash functionality.
These steps should be used to clean the pipes. The settings of the filter should be on backwash without turning on the pumps. After removing the filter basket clean it. Check to see the filter removing dirty water and wait until clean water comes out. The cleaning process is done. Chemical levels should be balanced to prevent kids from developing rashes, or for cuts and nicks being infected from the chemicals harshness. A pool will look murky if the chemical amounts are not enough. Chemicals will smell in a pool if the chemicals are imbalanced, people with allergies will be affected not to mention skin irritations.
There will be no chemical odor in the water, the water will look clean after the chemicals are balanced however a pool expert can be consulted for professional advice. In case the water in your pool overflows after some rain it means that the pool chemical balance is wrong and the water has to be tested using a pool testing kit so that the chemicals can be accordingly adjusted to reach the right levels.
Pool cleaners are very handy in regular pool cleaning especially if you don’t have all the time. Help may be needed in case of filter malfunctions or breakages. Lastly, nobody wants to think of their pool and remember the hard work to be done instead of the fun activities involved.